Part 1
Is it a “dream trip come true” or am I still trying to cope with the death of my son Adam in Iraq, and put all the pieces of the story in place? Either way, I’m going to have a blast on “Texas Road Trip 2010”!
When my son Adam joined the Marines and was assigned to 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion (LAR). I sought support by hooking up with other 3rd LAR moms in an online Yahoo group just for family members of 3rd LAR Marines. A bond formed between the mothers and we became good “friends” although only through the internet. We frequently had evening online group chats, where we of course discussed our sons, along with many other things. We got to “know” one another, and our friendships grew. When our son’s deployed to Iraq in March of 2006, our interaction with one another intensified. We had nightly online group chats and stopped for prayer at 8:00 PM every night. Different moms would lead in prayer – typing a prayer for each of us to read. It was as though we were talking to each other and all praying together. Our online group became a lifeline of sorts.
When news came of my son’s death in Iraq, my “friends” were there for me. They went through Adam’s death with me. The network of support formed through a Yahoo group, helped sustain me in those terribly difficult days. Now years later, we are still friends, although most of us have never met in person.
The moms lived in various places throughout the country, me in Utah, many in the mid-west , with others on the coasts, and several in Texas. It’s been my dream for a while now to meet some of the moms with whom I’ve formed such a deep bond.
Our life was defined by the death of our son. Everything changed and the world shifted for us. Our lives are now filled with the most wonderful people because of Adam; people that came into our lives through the Marine Corps or as a result of Adam’s death. Each one is a special blessing. Texas Road Trip 2010 will take me on a thousand mile journey to meet or once again connect with some of those wonderful people.
The journey begins Friday April 9th when I arrive in Dallas/Ft. Worth where the road trip will begin. Over the next 10 days I will post “adventure updates”. I’ll share the blessings and stories that unfold along the way. I miss my son more than words could ever express, but in his absence God has blessed us in the most amazing ways. The blessings continue and the journey begins.
Part 2
“Lost in Dallas!” That’s was my big Texas welcome! Within five minutes of leaving the airport I was desperately lost in Dallas rush hour traffic, trying to recall all the good reasons for making this trip. At that moment I could think of none. Eventually I reached my first destination, the home of the Hubbard’s. They are a special family who came into my life when Chad, a Marine Officer deployed in Iraq, decided to reach out to a mom who had lost her Marine son. Having no prior connection to our family or to Adam, Chad took it upon himself to make sure that in the loss of my son, I would still have a Marine to watch over me. The Hubbard Family has become very special to me and I am grateful for the blessings God continues to provide, through the people He places in my life.
With Chris Tomlin concert tickets in hand, we “flew” across town, probably breaking land speed records. The concert was an awesome time of praise and worship, and something I had been longing for. In fact, I so longed for that kind of worship, that I bought the concert tickets before I planned the trip to Texas. There was either some faith at work there, or a whole lot of something else, I'm not sure which. Regardless, the concert was all I expected! The following morning the road trip began. 150 miles southeast to Palestine to see The Bailey’s.
During Adam’s time with 3rd LAR, Millye Bailey’s son Patrick was Navy Corpsman with 2ndLAR. Milley and I became acquainted when her mother’s group so kindly allowed me to join them when their son’s went to Iraq to replace 3rd LAR as they returned home. Still needing to be connected and wanting to know what was happening in the city where my son died, Millye became my online friend along with several other 2nd LAR moms. I found their acceptance of me to be loving yet sacrificial, since I felt I represented their worst nightmare. My son had been brutally killed in the very place their sons now were. Yet they loved me and reached out to me in ways I never expected.
The trip to Millye’s house in Palestine led me through gorgeous Texas countryside with an abundance of trees, wildflowers, green rolling hills and lots of cows. Arriving at the Bailey’s, I was welcomed like long lost family. The bond first formed in an online group was a bond that would never be broken. We talked for hours about everything. Patrick told lots of “Iraq stories”, which were interesting and informative, but also filled in a few more of the “puzzle pieces” for me, as I continue to try to fully understand what happened to Adam. The time spent with this warm and loving family blessed and enriched my life in ways I cannot put into words.
I had to force myself to leave the Bailey’s after two wonderful days there, as I would have been content to plant myself there for sometime. Not only because of the friendship, but also for the outdoor beauty, the warm breeze, singing birds, the wind rustling though the trees and beautiful sights of the area.
I made the 270 mile drive southwest to San Antonio. There I met with the Marine who was injured in the blast that killed my son. We had met before. It was good to see him again and see how much he had progressed. He proudly showed off the new Marine “hang out” at Ft. Sam Houston, for Marines recovering from injuries. Donations from caring Americans have provided a great place with lots of “high tech toys” for the Marines to relax and have fun as their healing process continues.
Navigation challenges aside, the trip so far had been nothing short a wonderful. More adventures and heartwarming moments were ahead as I continued on with "Texas Road Trip 2010". Next stop, Victoria
Part 3
Another GPS mishap while trying to leave San Antonio! This time I knew better and opted to find my own way 110 miles southeast to the town of Victoria. There, I arrived at the home of Retired Army Colonel Michael Petrash. Our paths first crossed on August 31, 2006 one day after Adam’s funeral. We had been invited to hear President Bush address the American Legion Convention in Salt Lake City. Having just buried our son the day before, we were still in a bit of a fog. While waiting for the President’s speech to begin, a kind and compassionate Army Officer took the empty seat next to us. Unbeknownst to us, it was somewhat of a “set up”. Fellow Soldiers summonsed Col. Petrash from across the room as asked him to sit next to us, and quietly informed him we had just buried our Marine son. “Sir, we thought you’d be just the right person to sit with the Galvez Family”, the Soldiers told him. Having lost his adult daughter six years prior in a car accident, Michael knew the pain we were suffering and indeed was just the right person to sit with us. It was as though he was sent by God. His kindness, compassion and spiritual encouragement meant so much on that very difficult day. We visited on occasion while Michael remained in Utah, but since his return to Texas over three years ago, we’d had little contact. Reconnecting with the Petrash’s was like a family reunion.
Deep in the planning process of Warrior's Weekend, Michael and his family, the lead organizers of the project and I met for dinner. What amazing people, managing over 100 volunteers to provide a fishing weekend at Port O’Connor, Texas for those who had suffered devastating injuries in the service of our nation. Three hundred Soldiers plus families members were expected there in a little over a month and these fine people were making it all happen. I am constantly amazed by the people who continue to care so much, and are willing to move heaven and earth to do something meaningful for our servicemen and women. I am honored to know such kind and Godly people. My time with the Petrash’s and the special people in their community was heartwarming and uplifting, and over much too soon.
Day six of Texas Road Trip 2010, led me to Houston to meet with the Marine Mom’s who have meant so much to me over the past several years. Terrie Pagel and Dianne Ladet were the leaders of the 3rd LAR Yahoo Group that brought me in and connected me with other moms. I briefly met Dianne three years ago, but this was my first face to face meeting with Terrie. They were both a part of my everyday life prior to and during Adam’s deployment and have remained faithful friends ever since. In fact they were the first two people I talked to after being notified of Adam's death. They went through so much with me and I love them both dearly.
Another special mom I met with was Kay Gibson of the Houston Marine Moms. HMM is a large and organized group of Marine Moms. Their group sent Psalm 91 Bandanas to California to be passed out to 3rd LAR’s deploying Marines in March of 2006. The Chaplain said "these are from a group of Houston Moms", as he handed the bandanas to the Marines just prior to boarding the bus. The Psalm 91 Bandana became a special part of Adam’s story. It was not until after his death, that I found the Houston Marine Moms, and specifically Kay, who were responsible for sending the bandanas that came to mean so much to me. Special bonds had been formed with special people. Their presence in my life means more than I can truly express. Without them, and many other special mom’s, Adam’s death would have been more difficult than it was.
My 1000 mile road trip ended back where it began, in Ft. Worth with the Hubbard’s. The week had been full of special reunions and first time meetings with people I had grown to love without ever having met them. In the death of a son, God had placed many people in my life to be a special blessing during those very difficult days, and always. God’s love and presence are made known in many ways. My Texas Road Trip was once again evidence of God’s love and provision in my life. In the terrible loss of a precious son, God did not leave me to face the pain alone. He sent special people to help lift me up and sustain me when I could not do it myself.
God loves each one of us so deeply and is there for us in good times and bad. He watches over every little detail for us for He sees the whole picture, He knows the beginning and the end. A click on a Yahoo groups page, as incidental as it may seem, was God setting in place the network of people I would need down the road. A soldier calling his Colonel from across the room and asking him to sit by us, a Marine Officer in Iraq who felt compelled to reach out to a mother who had lost her Marine son, are all evidence of God's love and provision. I have suffered great tragedy and have received great blessings. To my Texas friends who mean so much to me, thank you for allowing God to use you to honor my son, bless my life and remind me just how much He loves me.
We love you, Amy, and are so blessed that you will share part of your time in Texas with us. Can't wait to see you in person and to be able to really give you those hugs that I've been sending your way over the years. Looking forward to long talks and lots of joy and laughter. Call us when you get ready to come our way and we'll give you the easy directions to our home from there. Take care, have a safe and relaxing flight, and drive carefully....there are a bunch of cowboys and farmers on the roads here! (((Hugs)))
ReplyDeleteTexas can't wait for you! I'm so excited to finally meet you in person. You have so touched my life.