One afternoon was set aside for time of quiet reflection and a memorial service for our sons and daughters who had been killed in the Iraq war. Was another memorial service really what we needed? I wanted to be accomplishing concrete work with the Iraqi people, not memorializing my son, as much of that had already been done. Little did I know this day may have been the most important day of our time in Iraq.
We arrived at Lake Dukan, an exclusive resort in northern Iraq. Overlooking the lake and the nearby hills, the mothers had a nice lunch and a quite time of visiting with one another and reflecting on our children and all that had happened.
Our Chaplain offered to provide communion for any who would like to participate. A group of six moved to a secluded alcove to proceed with our service. Each one felt the presence of God fall on us in that place. We sang, worshiped the Lord and received communion. The moment was surreal as I thought of my son and his brutal death in this Muslim land, and now I was here, worshiping the Lord. From August of 2006 to September of 2010, what amazing things God had done, to bring us to this moment. As we concluded our worship and communion service we looked up to see our Iraqi friends (Iraqi women and others we had spent the week with) gathered all around, watching us worship of our Lord.
We ended our day with our Moms, Iraqi friends and others gathered outside in a large circle. Each mother was given time to speak about her son, reflect, or give a bible verse that was special to them. Each mother took a few moments. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to share with the Iraqis, what God had done for me. I took my place in front of the group and shared about the Lord, His love and all He has done. Again, a moment that was unfathomable four years ago. To think God would take a group of mothers whose children died in war in this country, and bring them to that land to share about the love of Jesus. It was almost more than I could fully comprehend. In the deaths of our children, God continues to fulfill his purpose.
We concluded by singing Amazing Grace. God was present with us in that gathering, His presence fell on us there. The bond and love between the Iraqi women and our moms, and the display of worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, was a moment no one could have imagined.
There was a different “feel” as we left Lake Dukan. Our American delegation all in one bus, sang, laughed and danced (yes danced in the aisle of the bus) all the way back to town.
Our day at Lake Dukan was one that God had placed on the agenda, a divine appointment. God touched each one of us that day, in the most unlikely way, in the most unlikely place, and no one would ever be the same.
South Carolina Mom Sheila shares her
thoughts with the group
Amy and Sheila after the
communion service
South Carolina Moms Jane, Emily
and Utah Mom, Amy at Lake Dukan
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good, to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Taken from the Holy Bible, Romans chapter 8 verse 28.
ReplyDeleteyour sister in Christ,
Karen - Gold Star Mom
Yes, all things work together for the good to those who are called according to out Lord..
ReplyDeleteGod has used all of you in such a way!
ReplyDeleteBlessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of ALL comfort, who comforts us in ALL our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God..... Now if we are afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effective for enduring the same sufferings, which we also suffer. Or if we are comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation.... 2 Corin 1:4-6