
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Complacency Kills

I’ve never felt as hopeless about the future of our nation and our freedom as I feel today. With a congress and a president treating our constitution as an inconvenience, and their daily assault on the American way of life, I wonder what will be left to salvage in 2012.

I am a proud American, but I don’t think our president is. In fact, I believe President Obama has outright disdain for this nation and all it stands for. He apologizes for America, assaults capitalism, stifles economic growth, spends enormous amount of our money, bombards us with new regulations, imposes massive government control, hampers the war effort, refuses to deal with serious national security threats while diminishing our support for Israel, and the list goes on and on.

But the most telling action taken by President Obama was in the aftermath of the gulf oil spill, when he placed a six month moratorium on deep water drilling, seemingly without regard to the thousands upon thousands of jobs that would be lost and lives that would be ruined. Nor did he seem to be concerned with the economic chaos that would ensue because of his action. If an airliner crashes do we halt all air travel? How does this even make sense?

I believe that President Obama will stop at almost nothing to ram through his agenda to change America, economically, socially and globally. This sadly seems to extend to the war on terrorism. Many would argue, and I would agree, that President Obama’s objective in the war in Afghanistan is not victory. His delay in approving a request for more troops in Afghanistan last year underscored his lack of commitment to the war, victory, and the safety of our troops. Today’s ousting of General McChrystal looked more like a temper tantrum rather than a decision made in the best interest of America.

Jumping on my soap box for a minute, if we are not in Afghanistan to win, then bring the troops home and deal with the fallout later, and most likely on our homeland. Otherwise, let them do the job and come home victorious. Fighting a “nice war” doesn’t work, it only gets our troops killed and empowers the enemy. I think the change of command in Afghanistan today has only furthered the perception of a weakening America.

I’m an average American wife, mom and working woman. Having buried a son who was brutally killed on the battlefield serving this nation and preserving our freedom, I have to speak up. For the cost to our son and our family was too high to sit idly by and watch this country be dismantled one day at a time. While I’m still free to express my opinion, I’ll do it. I don’t have to justify my beliefs and you don’t have to like them, but I am free to express them, at least for now. I also believe that if the Obama Administration goes unchecked, we will soon see the day when people with opinions like mine will be silenced .

Outside of God and His hand of protection on America, this is how I see things. But God has blessed America, for our nation was founded on Him. Prayer changes things and we must be praying for our nation and our leaders. We must be involved and do all we can to preserve this nation and what it stands for, because it is under assault. Complacency kills. That’s a term I learned from my son. If we don’t heed that warnings and remain diligent, we will suffer the consequences.