
Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Deception of Gun Free Zones

We're told that gun free zones are safe places.  Really?  You've got to be kidding.  The idea that a gun free zone is a safe place is flawed to the very core. Who obeys laws and rules? The law abiding citizen. A criminal who has already decided to commit murder will not be deterred by a rule, law or a sign in a window, leaving everyone inside the gun free zone sitting ducks, completely unable to defend themselves or others against a shooter. As a Marine mom I'm angry that four Marines and a Sailor were able to be gunned down before meeting any opposition last week in Chattanooga, TN. The military faces enough legitimate risks. Being defenseless on their own base or in a recruiting station is insane.  How dare our government leave our military personnel who are among the most qualified to defend, defenseless.
  • In 2009 the Fort Hood shooter was able to kill 13 and injure 30 people before being stopped by police.Had the soldiers there been armed, that shooter would have been taken out as soon a he began shooting, resulting in many lives being saved.
  • In 2012 the Aurora Colorado theater shooter had time to  kill 12 and injure 70 before being stopped.  If only a few people in the theater had had a gun more would be alive today.
  • At Sandy Hook in 2012 the shooter roamed about the school killing 20 children and 6 adults. The police weren't there when it happened so they couldn't help. If only some of the staff had been armed, far fewer would have died.
  • DC Navy Yard in 2013.  12 killed and 3 injured. Another gun free zone. The law abiding citizens obeyed the law so there was no one to stop the shooter.
  • Charleston church shooting last month resulted in 10 shot, nine fatally. He just kept shooting until he was done. No one in that church had a gun except the criminal.  
  • Just this week the Lafayette theater shooting, 2 dead and 9 injured.
In all of these cases the criminal did not obey the law, only the law abiding citizens obeyed the law and therefore became victims. Gun control laws  and gun free zones don't work and in fact create death traps for unsuspecting people just going about their day.   Allowing and encouraging law abiding, conscientious and qualified citizens to carry concealed firearms is the best first line of defense because the police can't always be there.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Complacency Isn't an Option

After taking a long break from writing it's time to get back at it. With the plethora of current events that have left many of us scratching our heads trying to understand what is going on in this country and around the world it's hard to be silent. I may be only one voice, but my voice joined with others can make a difference. Without trying to sound dramatic, the continued existence of the United States of America as we have known it is in jeopardy. The good news is there are still enough of us who believe in the foundations of this nation and the blessings God has bestowed upon us. We understand the history of our nation and that it was built on Godly principles and the goodness, hard work and sacrifice of those who recognized this is an extraordinary nation.  Let's stay  thoughtful, diligent and prayerful, as we stand together to preserve the amazing gift we've been given by God and by those who have gone before us.