
Sunday, September 27, 2015


Prayers have been answered and John Boehner announced he is resigning. Boehner stonewalled when it came to putting forth strong conservative principles - those that hold firm to the Constitution and traditional American values. Instead of standing up and fighting for what's right for America he offered excuses. If he wasn't guaranteed success, it seemed he'd give up. Conservatives are screaming to "pass it and let Obama veto it!" Make Obama go on the record with his vetos, don't forgo a vote because you won't win or it might cause confrontation. Getting along was more important than doing what's right. A Republican controlled congress was elected for a reason. We need strong people who will stand for the principles this nation was founded on, and not back down in the face of opposition. Even if you can't win, at least try. Make your stand and try. Instead, we got surrender.

Replacing Boehner as Speaker means a true conservative will be in the driver's seat! Not so fast. It appears the Kevin McCarthy from California will most likely replace Boehner. McCarthy is an establishment moderate who most believe would not stand firm on the most important issues we face. With McCarthy, we may not notice much difference from a Boehner Speakership. This must not happen.

Anyone can be nominated for Speaker so it's not a given that McCarthy has to step into the position. It's important that House conservatives reach a consensus on who best represents American principles and can provide strong leadership, then band together and support that person with their vote. House Republicans, don't waste the opportunity to elect a Speaker who will aggressively fight for American principles. We're praying for you as you make this very important decision.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Thank You Dr. Ben Carson for Stating the Obvious

"I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that,”  Islam is not  “consistent with the Constitution.”  Words by Ben Carson that got him in hot water over the weekend when a question was posed to him on Meet the Press.  But wait, I thought we wanted straight talkers.  That's why we like Donald Trump so much.  

Is Islam really inconsistent with the Constitution?  It is well known that the Constitution was founded on Godly Christian principles.  With those Christian precepts is the freedom to worship whatever god you choose, in whatever way you choose, without risk of harm or punishment.  However, when it comes to the leadership of this nation, voters must examine the character of a person.  Do their values and beliefs align with  American values and the Constitution?  

Most Muslims see Sharia law as the revealed word of god and many believe Sharia should be the law of the land.  Here are a few things Sharia law covers:

•  Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand.
•  Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
•  Criticizing or denying Muhammad is a prophet is punishable by death.
•  Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death.
•  A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.
•  A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
•  A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
•  A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is nine years old.
•  A woman can have one husband, but a man can have up to four wives.
•  A man can unilaterally divorce his wife but a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
•  A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
•  Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
•  A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapists.
•  A woman's court testimony, allowed only in property cases, carries half the weight of a man's.
•  A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
•  A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
•  A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
•  Muslims should engage in taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.

Where are women's rights in this?  Where is due process?  Where is freedom?  Take careful note of the last line which states Muslims should engage in taqiyya, which means LYING TO ADVANCE ISLAM . Well, I wonder how taqiyya plays into the Iran deal? 

With increasing numbers of Muslims in the US, there have been several court cases come up in which civil law was in conflict with Sharia law.  Most states have introduced bills banning courts from accommodating sharia law.  Only a few states have been able to pass the ban! In most states, bills have been struck down due to well-financed Muslim groups fighting against it.  THIS SHOULD SHOCK EVERYONE!  

Having said this, many Muslims in the US would say they align more with. American values. As Christians, we are to love one another as Christ loves us. I would submit that Muslims in the US for the most part, are treated with respect and do not face discrimination by most people. However, we are to use good judgement and discernment when choosing leaders for our nation. So thank you Dr. Ben Carson for stating the obvious; Islam is not consistent with the Constitution and a Muslim should not be put in charge of this nation!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Trump Phenomenon; Time Will Tell

I love what Donald Trump has done for the party.  He has generated interest in the primary process like we've never seen before.   Americans are starving for a strong leader and at the moment Trump is it.  For years, we've wanted to spit in the face of political correctness which has backed us into a corner and defined our thoughts, motives and character.  We see common sense coming from the Trump camp saying the things we've all wanted to say but knew we'd offend someone if we did.  If Donald's not offending someone, give him a few minutes.  When was the right not to be offended added to the Bill of Rights? Instead of being handcuffed by the political process, he would leverage it and use it to his advantage.

Do people like his egocentric bulldog style or do they like what he stands for?  Does he really stand for conservative values? Most conservatives would say no.  As of late we're seeing more cases where the bulldog has become a bigger bully showing blatant disrespect for others.  He's long on pep rallies and short on policy specifics.  Nonetheless, he is a force to be reckoned with and I like the enthusiasm he has generated.

Perhaps if the republican House and Senate would show some backbone, we'd have more confidence that a well mannered conservative president could produce results. Congress has tainted many of us who believed the Republican majority would act with conviction and boldness.  Sadly they have let us down in the worst way.  Are we willing to take that chance on our next president? While most of the republican candidates look strong, right now people are more interested in someone they know will take the bull by the horns regardless of who doesn't like it.  Only time will tell if conservatives will stay true to their roots or bank on the bulldog.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Paying the Price for Doing the Right Thing

What does an Army Captain and Sgt 1st Class do when they find out an Afghan boy has been
repeatedly raped and his mother beaten by the Afghan local police? In 2011 the Army was sent to train and mentor the Afghan local police in Kunduz Province. They were not only being trained, but also equipped, armed and paid with our tax dollars. Some of these men were known to the Army as corrupt police officials who were carrying out beatings, honor killings and rapes. Captain Quinn and Sgt 1st Class Martland did what we would expect any honorable Soldier to do. They intervened on behalf of the boy and his mother. They confronted Police Commander Abdul Rahman. When Rahman laughed it off, Quinn and Martland shoved him to the ground. It was the only way to get their point across, according to Quinn. "As a man, as a father of a young boy myself at the time, I felt obliged to step in to prevent further repeat occurrences".

For shoving Abdul Rahman the Army relieved both men of their positions and reassigned them pending the outcome of an investigation. Quinn voluntarily separated from the Army. Martland being a Green Beret with eleven years of service desired to continue his career.  But because Martland was relieved for cause and there is a negative mark on his service record, he is being involuntarily discharged from the Army.  Once again common sense is no where to be found.

We expect honorable Soldiers to stand up for innocent children. Why isn't military leadership standing up for these men?  Unfortunately it's coming directly from the top.  Our president has repeatedly shown contempt for the military. He has taken steps to all but strip away the military's ability to be an effective force. There has been a systematic purging of those in military leadership who disagree with the president.  The serving men and women are caught between obeying orders and a command structure who won't stand up for them because they can't.  
These are dire times when good men are punished and destroyed  while our government elevates those who are evil.

We're thankful that men and women of integrity and good character continue to be willing to serve and sacrifice for our nation.  But how do we expect people to continue to enlist in the military when service men and women are seen as pawns in a political game by those who are in authority?