
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Worthy and Willing to Preserve All You Have Fought To Defend

As a conservative Christian and the mom of a young man who gave his life defending America, I take the election of a new President very seriously. Maybe it’s just more personal to me since my son gave his all for this nation.

We are very blessed to live in the United States of America. I firmly believe that God inspired our forefathers who then set forth the blueprint of what would become the freest, most generous, good and prosperous nation on earth.

As the years have passed many of the foundations on which America was built, have eroded away. It happens little by little. If you look back to where we started and where we are now, the changes are enormous. We were founded on principles where life was valued, hard work was rewarded, and our freedom would not be compromised. Today it is as if the very government that was established to work for the people, is becoming the people’s biggest oppressor.

We all have different views, but my hope and prayer is that the President we send to Washington in January will be one who is determined to hold on to the ideals which birthed this nation and made it great.

What an honor it must be to be named Commander-in-Chief. I hope the person we elect will be equally humbled at the huge responsibility and duty we are entrusting him with. Many of you reading this have worn the uniform and fought for our country and I am deeply grateful to you all. May the next President of the United States be a man who is worthy and willing to preserve all you, and those who have gone before you, have fought to defend.

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